Monday, March 21, 2011

I have been at a loss of words lately. My heart feels so cluttered with meaningless worry and anxiety. This happens from time to time. It steals the joy I find in the everyday things I used to love, and that includes creating.

It took a few days, but I'm feeling a little better now. I spent my free time today going through my vintage fabric collection. I cut some of my fabric into fat quarters so it would be a bit more manageable, and then I set some aside to share :) I'd like to trade some and I'll probably add a few in my shop. I'm parting with the prints that I've used a lot and want to swap out for some other patterns, or with prints that I got a king sized sheet of and there's just simply too much fabric for one girl.

Is that a bad problem to have? :)

1 comment:

  1. i hope you start feeling better soon, its good to get lost in little pretties like this every once and awhile.. i am sure there is something about cutting fabric that is a bit therapudic for you since you are such a seamstress! me, not so much.

    i am sending you a message on etsy, maybe you can help me out with a little something :)
